● Next Meeting Status:
● Host Society for the
BANS 2011 Congress
held in Southport
2006 Programme
Obviously, the Programmes for past years have been and gone, but it can be useful and interesting to refer to what has been as well as to look up what is to be. So, to that end, we provide an archive.
5th January 2006
"The Wyons" by Eric Hodge. The Wyons were the most celebrated Engravers and Medallists of the 18th and 19th Centuries, and left a most impressive legacy of coins, tokens and medals.
2nd February 2006
"The English Bronze Coinage from 1860" by John Dawson. The change from copper to bronze for the minor coins in 1860 marks the beginning of a fascinating story which ended only in 1971 when our current decimal coins were introduced.
2nd March 2006
"Curious Currencies" by S. Mather. We look in our pockets, purses and wallets, and find metal coins and paper notes, but over the years and around the world, many other things have seen service as currency.
6th April 2006
"Matthew Boulton's Steam Mint -
4th May 2006
"Britannia -
1st June 2006
"My Other Collecting Interests" by Society Members. Collectors are hardly ever single-
6th July 2006
"Discussion Evening" Once a year we have an open-
3rd August 2006
"Five Minute Papers" is an opportunity for any Member to achieve five minutes of fame with a presentation on a favourite subject. This year, eight Members became famous, though who they were.....
7th September 2006
Last minute difficulties meant that this evening's presentation on "Coin Fakes and Forgeries" had to be replaced by a trip through time, to Bremetenacum Veteranorum way back in MCMLXXXVII. (Ribchester in 1987!) when we followed an Expedition by David Regan and Alan Dawson, into the depths of the Roman Empire.
5th October 2006
Every Club or Society has its AGM, and this is ours, when Subscriptions are set and paid, the books scrutinised, and new Committee Members issued with new brooms. The evening is rounded off by a Mini Auction of items brought in by, well, almost anyone.
2nd November 2006
"The Formation of the Royal Mint Coin Collection" will be outlined by Graham Dyer, who as former Curator of the Royal Mint Museum, and Secretary of the Royal Mint Advisory Committee, knows more about the Collection than anyone else.
7th December 2006
Christmas comes but once a year, and Members, partners and guests, celebrate the event with our Annual Dinner and Social Evening, though it has to be said that, so far, no one has found the sixpence in the Christmas Pud.
Where to next?