● Next Meeting Status:
● Host Society for the
BANS 2011 Congress
held in Southport
7th January 2010
There can hardly be more important, yet more subjective, subjects in numismatics than ‘what is it?’ and ‘what grade is it?’ The details of individual dies, or the finer shades of wear on hair all have an effect on the value of a coin. This evening we all collectively pit our wits against Alan Dawson, in our Grading and Identification Quiz.
4th February 2010
Issue marks, privy marks, countermarks, provenance marks; the meaning of these is often unclear to the student, and the subject of debate by the expert. Society Member Eric Hodge will venture in to the subject with a talk about Official Marks on English Milled Coinage.
4th March 2010
The history of the coinage under the Tudors is a fascinating story of exploitation, debasement, tentative efforts at a return to sound money, before the success of the ‘fine’ coinage of Edward VI. And it is the story of the Coinage of King Edward VI which will be told by Joe Bispham, the first of our visiting speakers for the year.
1st April 2010
Collecting and understanding coins is not new; many great collections were put together from the 16th century onwards, and the study of these is part of numismatics as a whole. Society Member Graham Jones will be treating us to an introduction to ‘The Founding Fathers of Numismatics.’ (This is a change to the previously published talk.)
6th May 2010
Dr Richard Underwood is no stranger to the Ormskirk and West Lancashire Numismatic Society, having addressed the Society on numerous occasions over many years. This evening he will be focussing on the basics: An Introduction to Collecting Paper Money.
3rd June 2010
This year, 2010, marks the fortieth anniversary of our Society, and to mark the event we will be holding a celebration evening for ourselves and guests, and enjoying a sumptuous buffet. If you would like to attend, please contact our Secretary in good time beforehand.
1st July 2010
One topic which appears on our Programme in most years makes another visit this year. Members’ Five Minute Papers is not a makeweight, an evening filler, it is something of a numismatic treat when most of us learn something new about a whole range of subjects of interest.
5th August 2010
In academic circles it might be referred to as a symposium, possibly a colloquium, or even a conference. We think of it as a Numismatic Discussion Evening. There are no fixed subjects, and we wander wherever the spirit leads. And if the world hasn’t been put to rights yet, it isn’t our fault!!
2nd September 2010
The west of Lancashire has been regarded as something of an historical backwater, but excavations are proving that not only was Lathom Hall the scene of a significant siege during the Civil War, but was also the site of one of the largest mediaeval buildings ever found in the region. Jamie Quartermaine will give us the latest.
7th October 2010
This evening is the Annual General Meeting and Mini-
The third in the series of Fielding Lectures features an interesting and unusual crossover between numismatics and another discipline: oenology. Peter Clayton will address the subject of Greek Coins and the Wine Trade.
2nd December 2010
There was, unfortunately, no way of proving that last year’s sixpence contained any trace of Tealby pennies, so this year we have had to think again. In light of the subject of the Fielding Lecture this year, the Christmas pud might, just might, contain an example of the Unknown Tetradrachm seen at the top of the page. But then, it might not, too!
Tonight is our Annual Dinner and Social Evening.
2010 Programme
Obviously, the Programmes for past years have been and gone, but it can be useful and interesting to refer to what has been as well as to look up what is to be. So, to that end, we provide an archive.
Where to next?